A-C simple computer Vocabularies

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | | 0 comments |


ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended


BFG - BFG Technologies
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BNC - Barrel Nut Connector


CAS - Column Address Signal
CD - Compact Disk
CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft�/min)
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)

Simple Computer Vocabularies (SCV)


quite for sure this is very simple and still on construction so if you have a paper or suggestion about this vocabularies let us know plz.


Anaconda Boot System

Friday, September 19, 2008 | Labels: | 0 comments |

Anaconda Yahoo Boot System Read the read me File and what to do before you use it or less that software cant work efficiently

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Cara Mengubah Komputer anda Menjadi Lotion Anti Nyamuk

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 | Labels: | 0 comments |

Kalo Malem apalagi sekarang musim panas, wah pasti banyak nyamuk kan. satu satunya jalan paling efektif paling pake saripuspa kalo nggak autan, tapi gila bahan bahan lotion anti nyamuk itu bisa bikin kulit lo rusak kalo kebanyakan.

nah ini ada tips gimana cara ngubah komputer lo jadi pengusir nyamuk, gampang banget. lo tau nggak kalo secara alami musuh nyamuk itu adalah capung nah capung itu ngeluarin suara antara 67 sampe 45 Hz nah lo tinggal atur aja kalo gw pake ditengah tengahnya 56 Hz deh pake kalo mau pake freeware yang gw pake nih namanya NCH sound and wave generator.

nah selamat mencoba ya.

Cara Mengganti partisi Fat, Fat32 atau NTFS di Windows Vista

Sunday, April 20, 2008 | Labels: , | 0 comments |

Window Vista resize or shrink Disk Partition

Di Windows Vista, sangat mudah untuk mengganti size dari partisi atau bahkan mengubahnya dengan menggunakan Disk Management Console, yang juga memiliki kemampuan mengubah pola drive maupun hurufnya. Partisi dengan file system NTFS, Fat32 atau FAT bisa di resize dengan Disk Management Utility, dan tidak seperti windows XP atau 2000, tidak diperlukan program tambahan lagi seperti partition magic. Disk Management console dapat melakukannya tanpa harus menghilangkan data, atau memindahkan partisi yang ada.

Cara Meresize partisi di Windows Vista.

  • Klik Tombol start, kemudian klik kanan pada komputer dan pilih manage.
  • Di Computer Management console, klik dan telusuri pohon storage, kemudian klik di Disk management untuk membuka dan mengakses Disk Management Console.
  • Disk Management Console menampilkan detail semua volume yang tersedia dan drive yang ada di konfigurasi komputer pada panel sebelah kanan.
  • Klik kanan di volume atau partisi yang ingin diubah, dan pilih Expand untuk menambah besar volume atau shrink untuk mengurangi besar volume.
  • Masukan besar space yang ingin ditambahkan atau dikurangi dalam Mega Byte Enter amount of space to expand or shrink in MB.
  • Klik pada Expand atau Shrink ketika selesai. Click on Expand or Shrink button when done.
  • Windows Vista akan mengurangi atau menambah besar volume pada partisi secepat mungkin tanpa harus khawatif kehilangan data.

Cute hot Cat standalone software for your buddy

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 | Labels: , , | 0 comments |

This is Free ware software and telah di test running di windows vista, windows xp sp1, sp2 dan sp3, windows 2000, windows 98. cocok banget buat yang sering begadang. heheh ada tiga macem cute hot catnya lo bisa liat sendiri di image. itu tiga tiganya gw running.
heheh kalo gw si lebih sering ngerunning yang warna ungu. hehehe ditunggu feed backnya

kalo ada yang kebingungan cara downloadnya lo bisa liat tutorial downloadnya

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HOT KEY on WIndows VIsta

Sunday, March 9, 2008 | Labels: , , | 1 comments |

this is short cut key or maybe some else call it hot key hope it's usefull

+ B
Sets focus to first icon in the notification area. You can use arrow keys to move among the icons in the notification area or press Tab to move around on the taskbar.

+ D
Show Desktop (without the Sidebar).

+ E
Windows Explorer (opens to Computer).

+ F
Find Files or Folders (also known as Search).

+ M
Minimize All windows (Sidebar not included).

+ Shift key + M
Undo Minimize All Windows.

+ R
Open the Run dialog box.

+ Tab key
3-D Flip (flips you through your applications but with a cool graphic instead of the standard Alt+Tab). Requires the use of the Aero user interface.

+ Pause/Break key
System Properties.

+ F1
Windows Help.

+ L
Locks workstation. If the user account has a password, it must be reentered to unlock the system again.

+ U
Ease of Access Settings.

+ Spacebar key
This shows the Sidebar (the Sidebar must be open, but minimized).

Ctrl key + + Tab key
Brings up Flip-3D, but it will stay on the desktop so you can scroll up, down, left and right.

+ T
Allows you to tab between application buttons on the taskbar.

Ctrl +Shift + Esc
Opens Task Manager.

Alt + Tab
Windows Flip. Allows you to choose an open application to switch to by repeatedly pressing the Tab key

Disabling the Welcome Center on Windows Vista

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 | Labels: | 0 comments |

Start the Registry Editor by entering regedit or regedt32 in the Search field off the Start orb. Navigate through to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Run. Scroll down until you see the key named WelcomeCenter. Delete the key and the Welcome Center will not come back on startup. You might check out the value data on the edit string and notice that it mentions executing rundll32.exe and then oobeflrdr.dll (literally it says “rundll32.exe oobefldr.dll,ShowWelcomeCenter”).